Product Details
Fine-tune your fitnessroutine to get maximum results
Product Information
The EKHO FiT8 Heart Rate Monitor and Watch with Chest Strap is a greatheart rate monitor for walking, running, and rehabilitation. The watchfeatures a large display that shows and records your heartrate and target zone, enabling you to fine-tune your fitness program toget maximum results. The watch is ECG accurate, so you can trust thereadings, also includes a time/date setting, as well as a stopwatch and15 lap storage. The exercise heart rate monitor is waterresistant and interfaces with heart rate interactive exerciseequipment both at home and at the gym. It comes complete with a cheststrap and operates using user-changeable CR2032 button cell batteries.
The EKHO FiT8 Heart Rate Monitor and Watch with Chest Strap is a greatheart rate monitor for walking, running, and rehabilitation. The watchfeatures a large display that shows and records your heartrate and target zone, enabling you to fine-tune your fitness program toget maximum results. The watch is ECG accurate, so you can trust thereadings, also includes a time/date setting, as well as a stopwatch and15 lap storage. The exercise heart rate monitor is waterresistant and interfaces with heart rate interactive exerciseequipment both at home and at the gym. It comes complete with a cheststrap and operates using user-changeable CR2032 button cell batteries.
Product Features
- Watch and chest strap is designed foruse by everyone at every fitness level
- Large display on the watch shows your continuous heartrate as well as your target zone to help fine-tune your fitness routine
- The watch has 5 buttons, 3 operating modes including time,heart rate, and stopwatch, and also features a 15 lap storage memory
- Monitor is ECG accurate so you can trust the readings beingdisplayed
- Out of zone visual alarm makes it easy to know whenyou're out of your target heart rate zone with an alarm for bothhigh/low target zone
- Water resistant design makes it great for use in allweather and the backlight allows for ease of use, even at night
- Operates using user-changeable CR2032 button cell batteries
- System easily interfaces with heart rate interactiveexercise equipment at home or in the gym
- Heart Rate Monitor
- EKHO Transmitter with Elastic Strap
- User Guide
Item Condition: New
- Color: Black
- Display: LCD with blue EL backlight(activated for 3 seconds by pressing button)
- Heart Rate Range: 30 to 240 BPM
- Water resistance: Watchis water resistant against rainwater, water during showering, andnormal bathing and swimming. Do not under any circumstances push anybuttons when under water or use the watch for diving.
- Battery: CR2032 (3V button cell), oneeach in watch and belt (included)
- Operating Temperature: 32F to 131F
- Elastic Strap Length: 9 incheslong
- Warranty: Five Year LimitedManufacturer Warranty
Item Condition: New